The Basics

What is an ePortfolio?

Think of an ePortfolio as a personal website featuring the best possible examples of your work, skills, and experiences as they relate to your fields of interest. Typically, ePortfolios have three essential components:

  • An “About Me” page introduces you to your audience and provides them with a context for your ePortfolio materials.
  • Your “Evidence of Excellence” consists of polished samples of diverse multimedia content such as written work, images, videos, and certificates.
  • Each piece of evidence is accompanied by your “Reflection” on its value as a representation of your skills and abilities.

ePortfolios thus provide viewers with a vivid sense of who you are, what you have accomplished, and how you will build upon this expertise moving forward.


Why do you need an ePortfolio?

ePortfolios allow you to store (and update) your work in one place, reflect on your experiences, and display real evidence of your skills so you stand out from other individuals. Transcripts and resumes list your coursework and experience, but an ePortfolio shows your abilities on a much deeper level. Important audiences such as future employers or graduate school admission committees see firsthand what you have learned and produced throughout your studies and career.

